Federal Bureau for the Investigation of Maritime Accidents (FEBIMA)



The Federal Bureau for the Investigation of Maritime Accidents (FEBIMA) is an independent investigating body created after partial transposition of Directive 2009/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector.

To contribute to the safety of navigation, FEBIMA conducts investigations into the cause of maritime accidents. These investigations do not serve the purpose of apportioning blame, but serve solely to track down the facts that have led to the accidents.

FEBIMA publishes its findings in a report that may contain safety recommendations to prevent accidents in the future.

FEBIMA is totally independent in its organisation, legal form and decision making, from any party or authority of which the interests might conflict with the tasks entrusted to FEBIMA.

Maritime accidents that should be reported to FEBIMA are any event or series of events having led to the loss of life or vessel, structural damage to the vessel, the grounding of a vessel, or resulting in serious pollution.

As described in the applicable law, FEBIMA will, as a rule, not investigate accidents with pleasure craft, government operated craft, navy ships, wooden ships, vessels without propulsion, river barges, fishing vessels with a length of less than 15 metres, and fixed drilling rigs.

Accidents and incidents

Date of


Name of the


Casualty Details of accidents Location Report
21/03/2023 Seasong No casualties Slight collition between Seasong and Den Hoope Channel Final report
18/01/2023 mv Strinda serious casualty 1 serious injury Port of Antwerp Final report
26/07/2022 Magnifica Very serious casualty Death of a seafarer Port of Antwerp Final report
29/06/2022 Lowlands Mimosa serious marine casualty Fire in cargo holds Port of Ghent Final report
11/10/2021 Vicc Arafura very serious 2 fatal injuries near Cape Horn Final report
3/06/2021 mts Central Park serious casualty 1 serious injury 2nd degree burns on back neck arms and face due to contact with sulphuric acid Port of Antwerp Final report
31/03/2021 Z-85 Alexis II serious casualty

Collission between Alexis II and mts LS Jamie

Serious damage to Alexis II

No injuries

TSS Dover Strait Final report
23/02/2021 mv Knokke marine casualty serious injured crew member Poland Report
12/02/2021 Z-18 Soetkin serious casualty

Collission between Soetkin and m/v Calypso GR

Serious damage to Soetkin

No injuries

English Channel Final report
8/02/2021 m/v Atlantic Project II very serious 1 fatal injury Port of Antwerp Final report
26/01/2021 TSHD Uilenspiegel serious casualty

No injuries

Fire on board

Lisnave shipyard Portugal Final report
24/11/2020 Summit LNG serious casualty 1 serious injury Bay of Bengal Final report
12/10/2020 Z-575 Hein Senior serious casualty


No injuries

Isle of Vlieland Final report
3/08/2020 Z-575 Hein Senior serious casualty Collission between Hein Senior and m/v Aceromar traffic separation sheme Terschelling - German Bight near Schiermonnikoog Final report
11/06/2020 Z-18 Soetkin serious casualty 1 serious injury hit by fishin gear Bay of Biscay Final report
5/05/2020 m/v Mineral Temse serious casualty 1 injury burned by hot sludge South Atlantic Ocean Final report
19/03/2020 DC Vlaanderen 3000 serious casualty

Fire on board

No injuries

Belgian coast Final report
9/12/2019 m/v APL Mexico City serious casualty Allision with gantry crane Port of Antwerp Final report
25/11/2019 m/v La Belle des Océans serious casualty


Hull rupture below waterline

near the PHI-PHI Islands Final report
11/11/2019 m/v FAST JEF less serious

No injuries


Port of Berndshof Final Report
11/11/2019 Zilvermeeuw very serious 1 fatal injury Milford Docks Final report
27/10/2019 MT Coastalwater marine casualty 1 serious injury Port of Antwerp Final report
20/06/2019 m/v FAST SAM less serious

Ship grounded

No injuries

Terneuzen Final report
11/03/2019 Z-98 Op Hoop Van Zegen serious

No injuries

Fire on board

  Final report
28/01/2019 Simon Stevin very serious 1 fatal injury Port of Zeebrugge Final Report
7/11/2018 O-13 Morgenster very serious Total loss of the ship southeast of the coast of Eastbourne

Final report I

Final report II

25/08/2018 Z-19 Sonja very serious

2 fatal injuries

Total loss of the ship

near Great Yarmouth Final report
1/07/2017 Capella (sailing vessel) very serious 3 fatal injuries Belgian coast Final report
27/12/2016 Z-582 ASSANAT very serious 2 fatal injuries British coast Final report
12/02/2016 LPG carrier mts EUPEN very serious 1 fatal injury UAE (Abu Dabi) Final report
6/10/2015 Flinterstar very serious Total loss of the ship Belgian Coast Final report
28/01/2015 Z-85 Morgenster very serious

Total loss of the ship

3 fatal injuries

1 missing AB

British south coast Final report
5/08/2011 O-333 Marco very serious Total loss of the ship French waters Final report
5/03/2011 N-28 Mooie Meid very serious

Total loss of the ship

3 missing AB's

Belgium waters Final report
20/04/2011 Z-700 Rapke very serious

Total loss of the ship 

No injuries

Belgium Final report
8/12/2010 DN31 very serious

Collision with ship Crystal Topaz

3 fatal injuries

Total loss of the ship DN31

Belgium Final report


Anyone is entitled to report a marine accident to FEBIMA.  However, the Maritime Information and Security centre (MIK), every authority, every public officer or civil servant who, within the execution of the assigned duties, gets acquainted with a maritime accident shall notify FEBIMA of said accident without any delay. In the case of a maritime accident with a Belgian registered vessel, the captain, owner, charterer, manager or operator shall inform FEBIMA immediately.


To report a maritime accident email to:


or call: +32 2 277 43 43



Contact Fields

Federal Bureau for the Investigation of Maritime Accidents
Vooruitgangstraat 56 
1210 Brussel