Information notices

Reference number/Link Date  To Subject
INFO/L-LIC/2024-002 10/10/2024 Candidates for proficiency checks and examiners

IR rating Proficiency check IR ME to SE

INFO/L-LIC/2024-001 18/01/2024

Examiners, piloten, ATO’s and DTO’s

Designation of examiner

FEDD01 20/10/2022 Examiners A and H Standards and procedures for examiners
INFO/L-LIC/2022-002 9/03/2022 ATO Nominated Personnel requirements for ATO
INFO/L-LIC/2022-001 17/02/2022 Applicants for the SPL, FI(S) and FE(S), DTO Interpretation of Regulation 2020/358 - Sailplane licences
INFO/L-LIC/2021-001 31/05/2021 ATO & FSTD Operators Training Manual & Operations Manual philosophy
INFO/L-LIC/2020-006 7/12/2020 Applicants for the Balloon national licence, BPL, FI(B) and FE(B) Entry into force of the BFCL regulation
INFO/L-LIC/2020-005 26/11/2020 Applicants for the ATPL, MPL, CPL or IR and ATO Theoretical instruction for ATPL, MPL, CPL and IR
INFO/L-LIC/2020-004 18/05/2020 Students, ATO, DTO Transfer of ATO or DTO
INFO/L-LIC/2020-003 18/05/2020 ATO providing integrated ATP Extension of duration iATP courses
INFO/L-LIC/2020-002 29/04/2020 ATO providing ATPL/CPL or IR training Organisation of theoretical examinations 
INFO/L-LIC/2020-001 06/02/2020 CPL(A) and CPL(H) holders How to obtain an ATP
INFO/L-LIC/2019-004 05/12/2019 ATO Information guide for the UPRT training within an ATO
INFO/L-LIC/2019-003 30/08/2019 LAB Language Proficiency Assessment requirements
INFO/L-LIC/2019-002 20/02/2019 ATO, DTO, Instructors Refresher training for renewal of a class and type rating
INFO/L-LIC/2019-001 20/02/2019 ATO, DTO Notification of training activities 
INFO/L-LIC/2018-004 (Annulé) 17/05/2018 Examiners / ATO / RF Changement de procedure de désignation d’examinateurs



17/05/2018 CPL(A) and CPL(H) holders How to obtain an ATPL
INFO/L-LIC/2018-002 06/03/2018 Moniteur de paramoteurs Renouvellement de la qualification de moniteur de paramoteurs
INFO/L-LIC/2018/001 01/02/2018 All pilots with IR Rating and Examiners Instrument Rating (IR) & Cross-credit system
INFO/L-LIC/2017/001 01/10/2017 Examiners and ATO’s CPL_IR Skill Tests for MEP and SEP airplanes



01/10/2016 Students and licence holders PBN instructions



01/10/2016 Instructors, examiners and ATO's PBN instructions
INFO/L-TRA/2016/003 01/07/2016 Helicopter Training Organizations  & Flight Examiners Helicopter Turns by sole reference to instruments
INFO/L-LIC/2015/009 01/09/2015 All  Aeroplane, Helicopter , Airship and  ULM pilots Conseils utiles pour un enregistrement efficace des temps de vol
INFO/L-LIC/2015/008 16/06/2015 All FSTD operators FSTD recurrent evaluation - Preliminary document
INFO/LIC/2015/003 20/03/2015 Examinateurs (A, H, ULM, B, S) Rappel aux examinateurs d'avoir la licence et qualifications nécessaire


(English version)

09/12/2014 EASA and JAR pilots Language proficiency endorsements
INFO/L-LIC/2014/006 15/09/2014 Balloon pilots Bi-annual training flight for recency requirements of balloon pilots
INFO/LIC/2014-004 26/08/2014 Non Complex ATO'S Complex versus Non Complex ATO's
INFO/LIC/2014-002 26/02/2014 ULM/DPM Moniteurs and Examiners Logbook students
INFO/LIC/2013-005 10/09/2013 Examiners Hernieuwingsprocedure (update)
INFO/LIC/2013-001 02/07/2013 Examiners R22 & R44