Application for a Part 66 aircraft maintenance license
The Belgian CAA currently provides only the following services for Part-66:
- Extensions of existing licenses
- Addition of the first type of rating if the OJT has been carried out at a Belgian organization
- Addition of type ratings to existing licenses when an OJT isn’t needed.
- Transfer of the Part-66 license abroad.
We do our best to process these applications within 4 weeks.
The Part-66 telephone is currently unmanned. Please keep an eye on this website for further updates.
How to apply for a Part 66 certificate?
An initial application, an adjustment or renewal of a Part 66 certificate starts with the completion of EASA form 19. This form consists of 5 pages and must always be returned in full. On the EASA form 19 you can indicate what you want. At the bottom of this page you will find the link to the forms.
Applications are processed on average within 20 days. The complete handling of a file depends on the completeness and complexity of the application.
In line with EU regulations, the Belgian CAA can only meet the obligations linked to the function of Competent Authority for the issuance of EASA Part-66 licenses, for individuals who are holder of a EU passport / ID card or based in the EU/EASA-territory. Applications from other individuals can’t be treated.
All persons requesting an initial EASA Part-66 license in Belgium and not holding a Belgian ID/ passport are required to pick up the license at our offices at the following address:
Vooruitgangstraat 56,
1210 Brussels,
You will be informed when your license is ready, after which an appointment can be made to arrange for the pick-up.
An initial apllication of a Part 66 certificate
An application for a first delivery of a Part 66 license will always start with an application for a Category or scope rating. Ratings are divided into the following categories:
- Category A
- Category B1
- Category B2
- Category B3
- Category C
Categories A and B1 are subdivided according to:
- Turbine engined aircraft: A1 and B1.1
- Piston engine aircraft: A2 and B1.2
- Turbine-powered helicopters: A3 and B1.3
- Piston engine helicopters: A4 and B1.4
Category C is subdivided into:
- Category C for Large Aircraft
- Category C for non-large aircraft
Categories B2 (avionics) and B3 (piston engine non-pressurized aircraft with a maximum take-off mass not exceeding 2000 Kg) are not further subdivided.
To be able to add a category to a Part 66 certificate, a theoretical part and a practical part must be met.
The theoretical part consists of passing exams of the different modules of basic knowledge (Appendix I of Annex III (PART -66) of EU No 1321/2014) in a Part 147 organization. For which modules you have to take an exam depends on the category you want. When you have completed a course in Belgium for which there is an exam exemption report that has been approved by the BCAA, you can request exemptions for certain modules or sub-modules. It is best to apply for the exemption as soon as possible after passing your training, because these exemptions only remain valid for 10 years after approval of the exam exemption report.
The practical part consists of demonstrating experience. The necessary content and duration of your practical experience depends on the category requested and on your previous education. This experience must also be representative and recent. To demonstrate this experience you can use the example "Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Logbook" or another document containing the same information.
When both parts are evaluated positively, you can obtain a Part 66 certificate with the requested category stated on it.
How you can add a type to your Part 66 certificate is stated with a change to your Part 66 certificate.
An amendment to your Part 66 certificate
Addition of a rating or category
To be able to add a category to a Part 66 certificate, a theoretical part and a practical part must be met.
The theoretical part consists of passing exams of the different modules of basic knowledge in a Part 147 organization. Which modules you have to pass depends on the category you want. When you have completed a course in Belgium for which there is an exam exemption report that has been approved by the BCAA, you can request exemptions for certain modules or sub-modules. It is also possible if you already have a category on your part 66 proof that you do not have to pass all the exams of the basic knowledge modules because you have already taken them for another category. Inquire about this at the BCAA.
The practical part consists of demonstrating experience. The necessary content and duration of your practical experience depends on the category requested and on your previous education. This experience must also be representative and recent. As a logbook to demonstrate this experience you can use the example "Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Logbook" or another document containing the same information.
When both parts are evaluated positively, you can obtain a Part 66 certificate with the requested category added to it.
Addition of an aircraft type or aircraft group
This depends on which group the type you want to add belongs to. To which group the type of aircraft belongs, you will find in the Appendices to AMC to Part – 66 Appendix I.
Group 1
For the first type in category (3 requirements):
- Theoretical training in a Part 147 organization
- Practical training in a Part 147 organization
- On the Job Training in a Part 145 organization or Pat M subpart F (On Job Training program must be approved by DG Aviation)
If there is already a Type in this category (2 requirements):
- Theoretical training in a Part 147 organization
- Practical training in a Part 147 organization
Group 2
For the first type in a category: Type exam (in a Part 147 organization or with a type examiner) + practical experience + On The Job Training in a Part 145 organization or Pat M subpart F (On The Job Training program must be approved by DG aviation).
If there is already a type in this category on the Part 66 certificate: Type exam (in a Part 147 organization or with a type examiner) + practical experience.
For Cat B2, by demonstrating sufficient relevant practical experience, a subgroup of group 2. Sufficient practical experience means at least 50% of the tasks of Appendices to AMC to Part – 66 Appendix II relevant to the subgroup to be added.
Group 3
Demonstration of sufficient relevant practical experience. Sufficient practical experience is at least 50% of the tasks of Appendices to AMC to Part – 66 Appendix II relevant for the group “Group 3” to be added with the following restrictions:
- Metal airplanes
- Composite airplanes
- Wooden airplanes
- Metal tubing & fabric airplanes
- Pressurized air plains
By demonstrating sufficient experience, the above restrictions associated with group 3 can be removed.
If sufficient experience cannot be demonstrated for the full group and you wish to add only one type, you must pass a type examination in a Part 147 organization and demonstrate experience. This experience consists of 50% of the tasks listed in the Appendices to AMC to Part – 66 Appendix II and applicable to the type.
Addition of an aircraft type for which a Part-147 training is not available
To add an aircraft type for which a Part-147 training is not available, you can submit an application to obtain a certificate of competence for such an aircraft type issued by our department. The modalities for this are described in circular AIRW-51.
Remove one or more restrictions
There can be 2 types of restrictions on a part 66 certificate. There are limitations obtained through the conversion of a certifying staff qualification obtained prior to Part 66 coming into effect. These restrictions can only be removed by passing the basic knowledge examinations of the required sub-modules. The exams must be taken per disability or per module.
The restrictions in group 3 can be removed by demonstrating sufficient experience.
Add national powers outside the scope of Part 66
Your application to add a type to your national authorizations must be made using form 19. This is only possible for appliances that are not on the Annex I list of EASA. After your application, the follow-up procedure will be explained as it is not the same for all aircraft.
FOD Mobiliteit en Vervoer
Directoraat-generaal Luchtvaart
Dienst Airworthiness Organisations and Licensing
City Atrium
Vooruitgangstraat 56
1210 Brussel
Tel. : +32 (0)2 277 43 71 (elke werkdag tussen 10u en 12u) (every working day between 10am and 12pm)
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